July 30 - August 04
The Genuine World Cup is here to change that.

Our Goal

Soccer has been defined as the “international language,” having the ability to bring people together through sport, health, and a sense of belonging.
However, for people with intellectual or neurological differences, soccer is often a language from which they are excluded.

With Our Goal, we want to change this. By moving beyond spectatorship to active engagement, athletes with intellectual and neurological differences become stronger, healthier, and more self-assured, allowing them to engage more confidently in their broader communities.
The Genuine World Cup offers a perfect opportunity for the three host countries of the World Cup to experience the values of genuine soccer.
What would it bring to the table?
The Genuine World Cup will foster unity not only among participating teams, but also among organizations, associations, and influential individuals.

The roundtables will be a space for dialogue and innovation. An opportunity to share ideas, projects, and experiences. These roundtables will provide an invaluable opportunity for attendees to share successful practices, fostering collaboration and learning, but also to gain exposure and network.
The organizations have already signed up as sponsors for the Genuine World Cup Houston 2024!